Our ISO 14001 certification demonstrates that the Environmental Management System we have in place, and our environmental goals, align with the standards and regulations of the international body ISO. Trident Marketing is committed to meeting an Environmental Policy to the standard of its clients' needs and expectations, whilst striving to prevent pollution through good operating practices.
This audit report raises 0 non-conformities and 0 opportunities for improvement. The team at Trident Marketing are commended for this audit outcome.
At Trident Marketing, our ISO 14001 certification signifies our commitment to environmental responsibility. It’s a system that requires continual improvement. In the last year, our team has introduced a new recycling scheme, worked with clients on eco-friendly marketing collateral, and kept reports on waste, utility bills and more. Plus, all company cars are now electric and will be going forward.
Goals for the future include installing solar panels and helping out in our local environment. Currently, 79% of our suppliers and partners have a sustainability policy, certification or eco product range – but we want this number to improve. We invite our associates to join us on this transformative journey towards a more sustainable future. Together, we have the power to create a lasting impact on the world.