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Sustainability Saturday: ISO 14001 Audit & Site Survey Results

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Over the last few weeks, we have made some significant steps on our journey to make Trident Green. We recently had a site survey by a solar panel specialist who has said our building is suitable for solar panels and have had the results of our stage 1 ISO14001 Audit and our Site Survey.

Sustainability Saturday: Sustainable Coffee

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Sustainable Coffee Tasting – We recently hosted a coffee morning and we thought it would be the perfect time to get our staff to taste-test a range of sustainable and eco-friendly coffees.

Sustainability Saturday: Office Update

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Sustainability Saturdays – An Office Update!

As we continue our push to be a greener company, there have been a few changes around the office recently. We have many more ideas more ideas on the horizon

Sustainability Saturday: Electric Cars

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The Benefits of Electric Cars.
Electric cars have advanced so much since they were first released and continue to do so. As they rise in popularity, charging them…

Contact Us

Trident House,
Semer, Ipswich,
Suffolk, IP7 6HL.

TEL: 01473 823700
EMAIL: [email protected]