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Trident’s Marketing Quiz

You can’t see the Great Wall of China from space, Napoleon Bonaparte was above average height, and chameleons don’t change colour to blend in with their surroundings.

Contrary to popular belief.

Sometimes it’s hard to separate fact from fiction, and the same is true of online marketing – there are plenty of tall tales flying around.

Hence why, we figured it might help to explode a few myths and misapprehensions.

If you fancy having a stab, answer true or false to each of the ten questions below. We’ve written the answers underneath and a few stats to make it look like we know what we’re talking about. Off we go then…

1. Most people leave your website if they can’t get what they want in three clicks – TRUE OR FALSE?

FALSE. Various studies have disproved the so-called ‘three-click rule’.

2. Most people don’t read web pages with more than a few hundred words – TRUE OR FALSE?

FALSE. If a post is greater than 1500 words, on average, it receives 68.1% more tweets and 22.6% more Facebook likes than a post that is under 1500 words

3. Web pages with bullet points or pictures are proven to do better – TRUE OR FALSE?

TRUE. Readers typically only take in about 20% of the words on a web page. But mixing things up with bullet points, pictures, or video helps keep their attention, and Moz argues, for example, that posts with bullet points and images get 333% more links than posts without

4. You need to blog every two or three days to make an impact – TRUE OR FALSE?

FALSE. Within reason, the more often you blog, the better – but don’t panic. Hubspot claims the average company will see 45% growth in traffic when increasing their total amount of blog articles from 11-20 to 21-50. That figure ties in with our own experiences, so just, say, one blog every fortnight should start to make a huge difference inside a year or less

5. Google is more popular than all other search engines put together – TRUE OR FALSE?

TRUE. Google accounts for two-thirds of all searches worldwide, including just over 89% of UK searches. That’s roughly eight times more than all the others put together.

6. Most people only click on results on the first page of Google – TRUE OR FALSE?

TRUE. Depending on which survey you trust, roughly 95% of people click on a listing on the first page of Google without bothering to go to page two. Over a third go to the very first result.

7. Online marketing usually takes months to really bear fruit – TRUE OR FALSE?

TRUE (largely). Certain tactics might bring you rewards overnight, such as a website redesign or an AdWords campaign. However, a sustained marketing campaign where you begin to dominate your rivals online and are consistently seen by more and more potential customers generally takes months – and a lot of work.

8. Online marketing only works for big companies willing to spend thousands of pounds – TRUE OR FALSE?

FALSE. Obviously, the more you spend, the more options you have, but many of our clients see increased traffic to their site – and more importantly, an increased client base – after spending just a few hundred pounds.

9. Cold calling is a better way to generate leads than online marketing – TRUE OR FALSE?

FALSE. This survey calculates that cold calling costs 60% more per lead than online marketing such as blogging, SEO, pay-per-click ads and social media.

10. Search engines’ organic results are far more important to users than paid results – TRUE OR FALSE?

Mmm – TRUE. Or is it? We always thought so, but now we’re not so sure. For example, a UK study last year showed organic listings gained 94% of all clicks. This backs up all our other knowledge. But a more recent rival study showed 81% of customers clicking on the paid ads on Google – with 40% unaware that’s what they were doing. So we are left scratching our heads again. At a push, we’d still answer true to the question but feel free to award yourself a congratulatory round of applause either way.

And while you are still reeling from that bombshell, have a bit of this: If you swallow chewing gum, it does not stay in your body for years, and we do not spend the majority of our time more than six feet away from a rat!

If you’d like to discuss any of the marketing issues above, please call 01473 823700 or email:


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